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Looking for a wood burning stove in Wilmslow?

Below is a brief summary of the benefits of burning wood on a stove over a basket fire.

The aesthetic appeal of an open fire is one that most people love. The crackle and smell, not to mention the roaring flames as a fresh log goes on then only to die down leaving a calm warming glow. What’s not to like? If heat and efficiency are not on your radar then you probably won’t need to read the rest of this article. If you want to reduce your heating bills and need more heat in general then you may find these points quite interesting.

First off with a basket fire your chimney is always open meaning heat from the room will be slowly sucked up. Imagine having an open window in winter you would need to crank up your heating to maintain the same temperature. With a wood burning stove the pipe off the top is sealed through a plate in the chimney meaning the room is not exposed to the open flue. So even before you light the stove you are already saving money.

Another benefit is on the amount of heat a log will produce on a stove vs a basket fire. Stoves are much more efficient meaning not only will that log produce more heat it will last longer. The third benefit is that less ash is produced which isn’t really a problem for one log but over the course of a night it makes a big difference.

When buying a wood burning stove in Wilmslow you have the choice to purchase a DEFRA approved stove. This means that by law you can burn wood in the area where as an open fire you cant. The main reason is that stoves are less detrimental to the atmosphere and governments are trying hard to combat these issues.

If you want to increase heat in your home, lower running costs and help the atmosphere then a wood burner beats a stove hands down. Also if you found this information valuable and are looking for a wood burner in Wilmslow please like our Facebook page or even have a look at the galleries here.

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